Friends of North Somerset Community Hospital

North Somerset Community Hospital Friends

Helping to support our local hospital

We're a small, local registered charity which aims to help patients and staff of North Somerset Community Hospital ( formerly known as Clevedon Community Hospital or the "Cottage Hospital" )

We've been fortunate to have a hospital in Clevedon since 1875 thanks to Sir Arthur Hallam Elton. Our charitable aims are to help provide funding for new or replacement equipment to meet the present and future needs of the hospital and the community it supports.

With the generosity and support of donations made to us, we are able to work with the local NHS community health services provider (Sirona Care & Health) to help provide appropriately for the hospital’s needs. The hospital currently has a small Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit, an Ambulatory Care Ward, a Minor Injury Unit (open 365 days a year), X-ray department and runs a wide variety of Outpatient Clinics.

We receive requests to help fund equipment from the medical and nursing staff involved with the hospital and their advice and knowledge is sought at all times.

One day you might need your local Hospital, but right now Your hospital Needs You


Do you need transport to your appointment?

Why not use Clevedon Care

Or you could volunteer to drive for Clevedon Care – 01275 343677